


Download Cockatrice files: https://mtg.design/u/Floppy9950/TYR/cockatrice

  • Relentless Ferocity

    Custom — Hive Tyrant

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model, that unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Predatory Guile

    Custom — Broodlord

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL INFANTRY unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model, each time an attack targets that unit, that unit is treated as having the benefits of Light Cover against that attack. If that unit was already receiving the benefits of Light Cover against that attack, it is treated as also having the benefits of Heavy Cover against that attack.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Guidemind

    Custom — Tyranid Prime

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack that targets a unit within 24" an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Surging Vitality

    Custom — Tervigon

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model, each time that unit is selected to make a Normal Move or Advance, until the end of the phase, add 2" to the Move characteristic of models in that unit.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Psychic Augmentation

    Custom — Neurothrope

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model:

    * Add 1 to Psychic tests taken for that unit.

    * Add 1 to Deny the Witch tests taken for that unit.

    * Each time a model in that unit would lose a wound as the result of a mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Thrashing Demise

    Custom — Trygon Prime

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model:

    * Each time you roll a dice for the Death Throes ability of a model in that unit, add 3 to the roll.

    * Each time a model is destroyed in that unit as a result of a melee attack, if that model does not have the Death Throes ability, roll one D6: on a 6, the attacking model’s unit suffers 1 mortal wound after making all of its attacks.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Goaded To Slaughter

    Custom — Tyranid Warriors

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Psychic Oversight

    Custom — Maleceptor

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model:

    * If that unit is performing an action, it can make ranged attacks without that action failing.

    * That unit can start to perform an action, even if it Advanced or Fell Back this turn.

    * If that unit has the PSYKER keyword, performing a psychic action does not prevent it from manifesting psychic powers.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Warp Shielding

    Custom — Zoanthropes

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model:

    * MONSTER models in that unit have a 4+ invulnerable save.

    * Models (excluding MONSTER models) in that unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.

    Illustrated by Games Workshop


  • Swift Onslaught

    Custom — Parasite of Mortrex

    While this Synaptic Imperative ability is active for your army and a friendly HIVE TENDRIL unit is within 6" of this SYNAPSE model, each time a model in that unit makes a pile-in or consolidation move, it can move up to an additional 3" (to a maximum of 9").

    Illustrated by Games Workshop
