Submit your themed card for Seek when you create or edit using MTG.Design.(Haven’t designed one yet? Click here to create a card!)
The best designs will be part of the Community Showcase.
cute hunter
Pepper, Truffle Hunter
Discovery of the Century
Asset Recovery Craft
Harry Potter, Guardian Seeker
Harry Potter, Star Seeker
N'le, God of Nothing
Interplanar Expidition
The True Sighted Seeker
Tunnel Vision
Wanted Poster
Expedition Leader
In Search of Adventure
Tributary Routeseer
Apex Predator
Hope Seeking Angel
Thistle Snitch
The Headless Specter
Llanowar Explorer
Journey to the Beyond
Call of the Gnarlwood
Seek the Summit
The Mysterious Benefactor
Scavenging Survivalist
Searching for Victims
Catching the Detective