Submit your themed card for Smoke when you create or edit using MTG.Design.(Haven’t designed one yet? Click here to create a card!)
The best designs will be part of the Community Showcase.
Matatabi, Inferno Tiger
Madam Eva, Vistani Teller
Simple Solutions
Ertaï, le cloné
Haze of Silence
Extracting Facility
Volgon, Land Shapper
Smoky Visions
Scorpion, Smoking Immolation
Smoke, The Unwilling
Manablaze Mox
Smokeshield Magus
Key of Life and Death
Smoke Nymph
Smoke and Mirrors
Smoke ‘Em Out
Sanctified Sacrifice
Smoke Choked Lake
Enter the Alpha
Smoked Salmon
Smoking Gun
Choking Ember Moth
Up in Smoke
Choking Smoke
Where There's Smoke...
There's Fire
Assembled Campsite
Marine Fog
Smoke Test
Fog of Lost Souls
Tormod's Smokehouse
Anxiety of the Opulent
Commander Wake, Relentless Revenant
Smoke Out
Torrezon Volcano
Up In Smoke
Nothing but Smoke
Forlorn Wisp
Smokey Bear
Eldrazi Scion
Ominous Fog
Smoke Elemental
Smoke Capsule
Smokescreen Getaway
Interplanar Bog
The Smoldering Forge
Haze Upon the Woods
Suffocation Shade
Smoldering Puffball Glade
Burning Fumes
Veyle, Smogmancer of Maraketh
Smoke Dragon
Lyna, Soltari Witness
Disguising Snoke
Smokin’ Hot Hottie
Getaway Screen