Submit your themed card for Bread when you create or edit using MTG.Design.(Haven’t designed one yet? Click here to create a card!)
The best designs will be part of the Community Showcase.
Papageno, Papageno
Sonic, The Hedgehog
Breading Dragon
Killer bread
World Baker
Jesus, the Bread of Life
Starlight Breadwinners
Garlic Bread
Sack of Rations
Wheat Fields
Soldier's Rations
Afthonia, God of Plenty
Knead to Know
Pantry Moth
Vak'dun, Harbinger of Dread
Corner Bakery
Shade of the Undercity
Cooking up a Storm
Bakery Break
Bread or Alive
Crumby Fate
Focaccia Fortification
Rye Fields
Alsatian Oven
Yeast Elemental
Break Bread
Rustic Loaf
Wheat Field
Wheat Harvester
Bread Monster